Saint Luke the Blessed Surgeon
Russian Orthodox Church

Sunday School

There is a Sunday school at Our Church, where we study, play, do creative work
and grow spiritually together.

The spiritual mentor of the Sunday school is Archpriest Vasily Zelenyuk.

In 2021, we continue to study the Old Testament. This time we will dwell in more detail on the minor prophets and historical (the period of the Assyrian and Babylonian captivity) books of the Holy Scriptures.

In addition, special attention in our school is paid to the events of Great Lent and preparation for Easter, which helps children to navigate and learn about the life of the church and participate in it consciously.

In the future, by the grace of God, it is planned to create a children's church choir, participate in social projects and pilgrimage trips.

If you are interested in teaching or helping Sunday school, please contact Fr. Vasily (248) 764 0237, (

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1301 Atlantic Blvd, Unit 5
Pompano Beach, FL, 33060
Church warden Alexis Lukianov
Email: StLukeStarosta (at)
5:00pm Saturdays - All Night Vigil / Всенощное бдение
8:00am Sundays - Confession / Исповедь
10:00am Sundays - Divine Liturgy / Божественная литургия