Saint Luke the Blessed Surgeon
Russian Orthodox Church

Become a Parish Member Today!

Glory to God, parish life at the St. Luke the Blessed Surgeon parish has been flourishing, with an increased number of divine services, performed by four priests and three deacons. Our services are sung beautifully by both our parish choir and male choir, and we have held more large-scale services and events than ever before. Our parish school has almost doubled since last year, where our children study the Law of God and Russian language and history.

As our community grows, so must our efforts! Join our spiritual family and become a member today. Explore the options below to see what is right for you.

You are welcome to use our online payment options for Membership below. And, as always, you may pay at the candle counter or by mail. Make your check out to St. Luke the Blessed Surgeon Russian Orthodox Church and write what the payment is for (e.g. Membership, Proskomedia) on the memo line. The mailing address is St. Luke Russian Orthodox Church, 1301 E. Atlantic Blvd, Pompano Beach, FL 33060.

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP – $240 per person


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MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP – $20/month per person


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Contact Us

1301 Atlantic Blvd, Unit 5
Pompano Beach, FL, 33060
Church warden Alexis Lukianov
Email: StLukeStarosta (at)
5:00pm Saturdays - All Night Vigil / Всенощное бдение
8:00am Sundays - Confession / Исповедь
10:00am Sundays - Divine Liturgy / Божественная литургия